Day 57 – Crossing Borders

13 04 2009
Deep Thought

Deep Thought

Jess rang me at 10am this morning to see if I fancied going with her and her parents to Dundalk lol.  Im always up for a little trip so naturally I said yes.  The reason we were going was so that they could do a bit of shopping  in Aldi (they love that place) and just to get out of the house for the day.  I was really really tired at one point though and jess wasnt feeling too good so maybe it wasnt the best day for a trip.  Was able to get this photo though.  As always there would have been things I coulda done better (would have been nice to see the background outside nice and blurred but not blown out).  I love contrast though so its still a new different photo for me :-).

Heading out tonight with the ol siblings so hopefully I wont be too hungover tomorrow (yes I realise ive been doing a lot of drinking since ive been off work.  My liver must be crying right now!).