Day 50 – Busy Busy

6 04 2009
Our cats go ape shit for these faux mice!

Our cats go ape shit for these faux mice!

[Didnt get much of a chance to take any photos today; I meant to bring my camera to the cinema but I forgot so I had to settle for this.  I guess I liked the framing of the floor and the carpet.]

Finally got that bit of a lie in I wanted and to be honest if I hadnt of, I wouldnt have been able to function at all today!  So when I woke up me and Jess arranged to meet up and go for a swim but then lucy and chris rang to see if we fancied going to the cinema.  Never being the one to miss going to see a film, I immediately said yes.   We went to see Monsters vs Aliens in 3D at the new cinema in dundonald (which chris really kindly paid for!).  The 3d effect was really really cool, but I thought the movie was absolutely terrible.  The only good thing was Seth Rogen.

So it was straight to the swimming pool after that and I had a great swim, even though it was my first time back in a couple of weeks.  The rest of my night has been spent catching up with my blog, going for a bit of a shop in Tesco and finally editing all of the photos I took for Jess birthday (they are now all uploaded to flickr and you can check them out here).  Now that im finally done, its time I relaxed with the old man in the CIC and watched some more fraking BSG!

Day 49 – Lack Of Sleep

6 04 2009
No this isnt cheating!

No this isnt cheating!

I stayed over at Jess after the party and thought I was gonna get a bit of a lie in, but Liz came in and woke us up at 8AM!!! No matter how much I tried to get a little nap during the day I just couldnt get back over to sleep.  Instead me and Jess watched Nature programs and ate left over party food.  Legendary!

[Ok ok so technically this photo wasnt taken today, but the party did go past the 12pm mark so this was into today! :)]

Day 48 – Animal Parties

6 04 2009

Today was Jess’ actual 21st birthday party, which had the theme of an animal/kids party.  I think its safe to say that everyone thought it was amazing and all of the people I talked to after said it was one of the best parties they had been to in a long time.  She had bought so many different decorations and animal themed things like plates, balloons & cups:

Giraffe BalloonAnimal Party Cups

A Couple Of Examples

Her parents really went all out with the food as you can see below:

Frog CupcakesDoggie Biscuits

Frog Cupcakes & Doggie Biscuits

Racing CarsBirthday Cake

Racing Cars & The Birthday Cake

Then on top of all the sweets that were made there was also enough BBQ food to feed the whole of ballynahinch!:



The night progressed on with a lot of Pass the Parcel:

Anybody wanna swap for these finger puppets?!

"Anybody wanna swap for these finger puppets?!"

Before finally ending with a bit of a Rave:

Glowsticks Galore!

Glowsticks Galore!

Then everyone started to make their way home which left me, Matty, Liz, Jess, Lucy and Matt to have a wee chat until 2am about what I cannot remember. It was so nice to be at a 21st that wasnt about getting shit faced and spending the next week recovering from it, but having a few drinks and a lot of craic.

Brilliant Party!