Day 121 – Summer Comes, To Multiply…

17 06 2009
Absolute Legends :-)  Now share that food ya greedy bastards!

Absolute Legends 🙂 Now share that food ya greedy bastards!

Ok, im not gonna spend this whole post talking about how amazing it was seeing the hangover again, so the last thing im going to say is go see it!  Just as funny the second time 🙂
Went up to Forestside for a bit of a shop after work.  Jesus, I havent been up there in ages.  I forgot how handy forestside is!  I also bumped into Katie from school and we had a good wee chat catching up.  She was telling me she got a 1st in her degree.  I was like “shit, thats incredible!”.  I really really want to try and get at least a 2:1 in final year.  Im definitely going to work my ass off.

I also kinda realised today that my photography can annoy people sometimes, which really sucks.  I keep thinking that because I dont mind having my photo taken that everyone else wont mind, but of course they might!  I think my love for my hobbie sometimes blinds me from what people actually want, and I only think about me getting the photo I want.

From now on,  im gonna try and make sure that if im taking a photo of someone, that they really dont mind me doing so.

Hmm, maybe thats why its easier to take photos of cats? 🙂