Day 116 – “Its been a Bad Day, please dont take my picture…”

12 06 2009
A Daisy to brighten up the day :)

A Daisy to brighten up the day 🙂

When I first heard the glastonbury line-up I was a bit dissappointed; now im really getting excited!  Been listening to shit loads of Bruce Springsteen, Bon Iver (Cant believe ive left it till now to really start listening to his new EP) and Blue Roses debut album continues to grow on me!

Ok, back to today; this was probably the worst day ive had in work to date.  A couple of things just got me riled up a bit and I just felt completely wrecked and lethargic.  Really couldnt wait to get home and catch up on Dexter.  Ive only the season 2 finale left to watch!  Definitely not as good as the first season though.

Basketball was ok, wasnt as good as previous weeks.  Didnt really play well until the second half of the second game which is way to late.  Also, some people seem to be taking Summer League wayy too seriously.  There was this kid refereeing who clearly was pretty nervous and didnt want to upset anyone with a bad call.  Well holy shit,  some people verbally kicked the bollocks clean out of him.  Sometimes even I felt intimidated for him!  And then what does the kid do?  Goes out and referees another game!!!  I dont care what you say, thats courage.

Ok, today Im going to play some Blue Roses (Real name: Laura Groves) for you all.  Shes a yorkshire girl who sings laura marling”esque” folk and this song still makes me weak in the knees when I hear it.  The video fits the song SOOOO well too (I love it when that happens!).  If your only going to watch one music video on my blog, then please make it this one!  Your day will instantly be relaxed and joyous :):