Day 111 – Perfect Split Decisions

7 06 2009
I always knew Lauras cats were smart but this much reading??

I always knew Lauras cats were smart but this much reading??

I wasnt hungover today which was great (God, I feel like I talk about being hungover but I really dont drink that much.  Maybe 3-4 times a month!  Is that too much?)  but I was pretty tired.  Me & Jess had planned to go for a run but unfortunately the sun had well and truely dissappeared so we just relaxed around the house.

She made the suggestion of seeing if my sister wanted to do anything and she kindly offered us to go round to hers for a bit of a chat and play the game of life lol!  Lucy was also in the area and stopped by to say hey so we took her along too.  I had such a great night.  It was so much fun!  We didnt end up playing the game of life but instead talked until 1am about absolutely everything and ate all the shite of the day, which Laura so generously went out to buy before we went to her apartment.  Definitely my kind of saturday night.

Learnt another lesson today;  if a 200lb bald well built man is standing in the middle of the road whilst your doing 35mph and have to brake to wait for him to cross, there is usually a reason (ie you let him take his sweet ass time or he’ll kick the shit outta ya!).

Lesson Learned!

Day 107 – Old Stones

3 06 2009
I wish I was this cool :(

I wish I was this cool 😦

Think this is the last of the scorching days as its meant to cool down tomorrow.  To be honest im glad!  The heat at night has been unbearable and im losing a lot of sleep from being uncomfortable.  Not cool!

When Jess came round we both said that the last thing we were gonna do was sit inside the house and do nothing so we grabbed a couple of Tennis bats and started hitting a ball up and down the street in the blistering sunshine.  lol it was so much fun.  I wanted to play kirby so badly but we didnt have a ball 😦 (For anybody who doesnt know what kirby is, its when two people stand on opposing kerbs on a street and try and hit the kirb on its edge so that the ball bounces back to you.  This gets you a point and its the first person to an agreed number that wins).

Now I dont know how I ended up where I did by the end of the night but this is how it started;  Firstly Jess hadnt been on my new, unbelievably fantastic bike yet so she started to cycle it up and down the street whilst I ran alongside her.  We then went round the block and then some how we ended up along the towpath.   We ended up doing 6 miles!  Thats the most ive ran in about 5 years.  I used to do it regularly back then but even then I found it pretty tedious and difficult but tonight it was way easier.  I always thought running with someone would be distracting but its the best running decision ive ever made!  So we are gonna try and do it 3 times a week now (I probably wouldnt by myself but the fact that two of us are exercising makes it so much easier!).

I used to be obsessed with running and love it, but I cant remember the last time I enjoyed running so much, as much as I did last night :).