Day 77 – Good Times

4 05 2009


Woke up feeling fine and ready for the day, although by the end of it felt like id been hit by a car.  Seems that the hangover wanted to lead me into a false sense of security.

It was Liz birthday today so the plan was Rollerblading at 3pm, dinner at spur for 5.30pm and Indiana Land at 8pm.  I get very jealous of the girls as they seem to come up with the best ideas for their birthdays.  Between Jess animal party and this, I feel slightly ashamed of just going out for drinks for my birthday next week :(.  I was a bit of a spoilsport when it came to the rollerblading as I really didnt have the energy so apologies to everyone for being a bit of a bore.  Spur was legendary with the best all you can eat ribs money could buy!  But the highlight of the day DEFINITELY had to be Indiana Land.  Jesus, i cant remember the last time I had so much fun.  Although it probably was the last time I was at Indiana Land which was probably when i was 10!

I was really annoyed at myself for being so hungover today.  Losing a whole day to alcohol is never worth it.  Regardless though, I did have a fantastic time 🙂