Day 125 – Best Night Of My Life

22 06 2009
I soon as I took this, I knew instantly that it was going to be todays photo.  I still piss myself looking at it!  Louise made me laugh soo hard tonight and even though she asked me if she could be todays photo,  she would have ended up being it anyway!

I soon as I took this, I knew instantly that it was going to be todays photo. I still piss myself looking at it! Louise made me laugh soo hard tonight and even though she asked me if she could be todays photo, she would have ended up being it anyway!

Im not going to even bother talking about what I did during the day.  Im just gonna get straight into what turned out to be honestly the best night of my life!

Seeing as how Lucy is also going to glastonbury on tuesday and her 21st birthday is actually on the 30th, she decided to have her party a week early with a Neon theme.  lol I thought it was subtle Neon so I came in with neon shoe laces wrapped around me wrists and neon sunglasses.  Holy shit, people really went all out!!  I very quickly felt very underdressed.

So im going to write a list of the things that made it the best night ever:

Matthew Rea: When you ask someone to draw something artistic on your face, you really dont expect them to write “I Am Ciaran” on your forehead and a set of boobs on your left cheek.  I suppose that is the quintessential  description of Matt.

My gorgeous girlfriend Jessica: Not only did I pester her to death before we went to bed (in a nice way :)) but she also didnt think I was a weirdo when I went to the toilet at 4am and brought my camera to take photos along the way lol.  Im lucky she likes losers!

Lucy Gray: For having the legendary party in the first place!!  And for being the most energetic person in the whole party!

My sister Laura: For making me the coolest bracelet at 1am out of three neon shoelaces!  People still ask me how it was done, like some sort of crazy Paul Daniels style magic trick.  Im trying to get her to set up a stall in town!

Claire Savage & Deirdre Bole: For knowing and quoting just as many hangover quotes as I did, and for pissing themselves laughing at my one liners such as “Louise Ward is such a legend that she could actually shit on my mums face!”

Brings me nicely onto Louise Ward:
For making me laugh the hardest I ever done, “No but Ciaran, this is no word of a lie: I actually molested him!  I 100% no joke molested him!” and for forcing shots of sambuca down mine and mattys throats “Ok just the one just the one”, “ok just one more, one more!”, “Right, third time lucky!”  Also she openly admits she the biggest fan of my blog which makes her a legend in her own right, “But how else would I have found out about Toy Story 3??!!”  Also to alice for laughing her face off in this photo!

(Thanks to Liz Neill For This fantastic photo!) Helen Morrow: For believing my “Driving Home Drunk” prank!  I am actually hurt she thought I might of actually done it! :O

(Thanks again to Liz Neill for another great photo!)Liz McNeilly: For also saying that she religiously read my blog, “Omg, but I can clearly see the rain in that photo”.  It is without a doubt, the greatest feeling in the world when someone actually wastes their own time reading all the shite that I write online, and enjoys it!

Liz Neill: For taking more photos than me!!  But for getting wayyy better photographs as well.  Im insanely jealous ;).

Last but certainly not least, Chris McCaffrey: For being the first fader of the night by falling asleep behind the couch!  And for also not getting annoyed when we woke him up a 2am shouting “FIRE!! FIRE!!  CHRIS THERES A FUCKING FIRE!!”

Also, to all the people who complimented me on my photography at Lucys party;  You will never know how much it means to me :).  I remember I started to get very overwhelmed and flattered when Lisa (Cassells) started to talk about the duckling photo I took at Helens farm.  No wonder I probably couldnt stop smiling the whole night!

I dont want to sound really overdramatic and exaggerate, but I can honestly say that it was not just the best party ive ever been to but the  best night I can remember.  I was saying to Jess that it felt like when you go to Summer Camp (or something like that) and you meet all these legendary people and you have such an amazing time but you start to feel slightly depressed for a couple of days after, that its over!

Right fuck it, back to lucys tomorrow night for another party.  If we all turn up at her door she cant turn us away!

I hope :(….