Day 90 – Vacant

17 05 2009
Worst. Film. Ever.

Worst. Film. Ever.

Woke up at 8am feeling really really hungover;  took some ibuprofen and water and fell back to sleep listening to Blue Roses….

Then woke up at 2pm and felt great!  No hangover!  Talk about getting a good birthday wish :-).  Spent most of the day editing all the photos from last night and just lounging around the house doing nothing.  Met up with Jess, Matty, Liz, Lucy, Lou & Helen at the cinema to see fighting.  Talk about the worst film in history.  No joke, everything about it was just terrible.  It was like a film done as a student project in uni or something.  Dont ever waste your time seeing this film ever.

Ohhh if you like any of the following musicians: Clay Aiken, Elvis Costello, Mary J. Blige, Sheryl Crow,  the Beastie boys, Steve Earle, Adam Levine (Maroon 5), Adam Horovitz, Sara Bareilles, Wyclef Jean, Norah Jones, Talib Kweli, Michael McDonald, Rhett Miller, Moby, Robert Randolph, Rachael Yamagata or Cyndi Lauper,    then you have to watch this hilarious clip from the 30 rock finale! In fact even if you dont like any of these artists you should still watch it!: