Day 59 – Forgiven, Not Forgotten

15 04 2009
A Fire, A Fire...

A Fire, A Fire...

I had the mother of all hangovers yesterday and wasnt really fit to do anything.  Then Chris rang me and said that a group called firepoise (Irelands Specialised Fire Performance Group) were practicing in the crescent green; so how could I say no to an opportunity like that!

Clare and her associates were all really nice and were more than happy to let us take photos of them.  I have to say that I was blown away by these guys.  I mean it was scary, breathtaking and beautiful all at the same time.  Their website is if you ever want to book them out for an event or a party.  Im sure they are very reasonably priced and you really couldnt get better entertainment.

Today i spent my time re-organising all my tv shows, films and photos on my hard drive (believe me that is a lot of things to organise!) and then went up to Jess to see what the craic was and got fed which im always happy about :-).  Stopped at Tesco on the way home to get some groceries and a couple of beers.

PS: I think everyone has to try this lithuanian beer called Svyturys (it has a blue label and it says BALTAS WHEAT under it).  I know that may have sounded pretentious but its such a great beer! tastes like banana :-).